What is Katholikentag?

German Catholic Conventions are major events with over 170 years of tradition. They take place every two years – each time in a different city. For five days, tens of thousands of Catholics and believers of all denominations and many religions from Germany, Europe and the world come together to pray, discuss and celebrate. Church services, large and small podiums, workshops, concerts, exhibitions, theatre and much more await the visitors. 

Open to all 

Katholikentag invites all people: professing Christians, believers of other religions and people who are curious and interested in the Christian faith and church work. 

German Catholic Conventions are signs of the times.

A reflection of church life 

Katholikentag is a reflection of life in the Church. They bring together people of all generations and from all parts of Germany. Experiencing faith in community as something alive, actively shaping the future and drawing new strength for everyday life – that is the main focus for the participants. At the same time, German Catholic Conventions are a place where Catholics face the political and social challenges of their time and look for ways to shape the world out of their faith. Many impulses for society and the Church come from Katholikentag. 

Catholic lay movement 

Originating in the Catholic lay movement, German Catholic Conventions have been held since 1848, initially annually and since 1950 every two years. The organiser is the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) as the highest representative association of the Catholic laity in the Church in Germany. The host in 2026 is the diocese of Würzburg. 

Katholikentage are: colourful and diverse, serious and cheerful, spiritual and political. Experience it for yourself – you are cordially invited! 

Do you have any questions?

Phone: +49 931 8709 3030
E-mail: international(at)
