Katholikentage are major events with almost 175 years of tradition. The 103rd of this kind will take place in Erfurt from 29 May to 2 June 2024. Now we are still in the middle of preparations. We have answered all your questions and everything you need to know about the Deutsche Katholikentag:
Where and when will the next Katholikentag take place?
The 103rd Deutsche Katholikentag will take place in Erfurt from 29 May to 2 June 2024.
And we know even more: the 104th Deutsche Katholikentag will be in Würzburg from 13 to 17 May 2026.
Who hosts Katholikentage?
Every two years, the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) organizes a Katholikentag. The venue is always a different city in a different diocese. In 2024, the 103 Deutsche Katholikentag is invited by the diocese of Erfurt.
The ZdK and the host diocese jointly founded a sponsoring association. On behalf of the organizers, this association provides the economic, legal and organizational means and conditions for the planning, implementation and running of the Katholikentag on site.
The highest decision-making committee of the Katholikentag in matters of content and program is the Katholikentags Leitung (Board). It is made up of representatives of the ZdK, the host diocese and the supporting association. The chair is held by the ZdK President, Dr Irme Stetter-Karp.
How does the Katholikentag get to a city?
Deciding on the host city for a Katholikentag is a lengthy process. Ultimately, after preliminary discussions, the invitation of a host diocese is accepted by the plenary assembly of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) as the sponsor of the Katholikentag. This is preceded by discussions with the host city and the respective federal state.
For 2024, the ZdK General Assembly has accepted the invitation of the Diocese of Erfurt. The 103rd Deutsche Katholikentag will take place in Erfurt from 29 May to 2 June 2024.
The venue for the 104th Deutsche Katholikentag in 2026 is also already known: Würzburg.
I have a disability that makes some things difficult for me. What support can I expect?
As the largest Catholic lay event in Germany, the Katholikentag wants to be open to everyone. Whether with or without disabilities –everyone should be able to participate without restriction. Katholikentag wants to be a sign of lived inclusion, to break down barriers and to give all people the opportunity to celebrate, pray and discuss together during the five days. You can find more information here and please approach us with any questions!
How is the Katholikentag as a major event involved in environmental protection?
German Catholic Conventions are major events that require long preparation and mobilise tens of thousands of people. This is precisely why it is so important that the Katholikentag consciously pays attention to sustainability: during the major event in May and already in the months of preparation.
The Katholikentag is aware of its mission as a major Christian event. It wants to be a pioneer for sustainable major events. In 2008, the Katholikentag became climate-neutral for the first time. In doing so, it set standards for itself and other major events. Sustainability and climate protection require continuity. Therefore, the 103nd Katholikentag in Erfurt will also be climate-friendly.
How are Catholic Days financed?
The budget of Katholikentag contains three sources: own funds, church funds and public funds. Own funds include, e.g., proceeds from the sale of tickets, souvenirs and the collection, but also stand fees, donations and project grants. Church subsidies come from the host diocese and the Association of German Dioceses. Public funds are provided by the federal government, the state and the city.
How can I stay updated on Katholikentag?
Up-to-date information is available here on katholikentag.de and via the Katholikentag social media channels on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
If you don't want to miss anything, subscribe to the electronic germen newsletter of the Katholikentag at katholikentag.de/newsletter.
What is the motto of the Katholikentag?
The motto for the 103rd Deutsche Katholikentag has been decided: "A future awaits those who seek peace”. The Board of Katholikentags wants to use the biblical Psalm verse 37:37b as a reminder that peace is also a central challenge today and requires an attitude of openness and honesty. "Peace must go. But how? The war in Ukraine has caught us cold in the middle of Europe. Peace reigns on our doorstep. We know that it must not stay like this," says Dr Irme Stetter-Karp, President of the ZdK and Chairperson of the Board of Katholikentag. You can find more information here.
The motto for the 102nd Deutsche Katholikentag 2022 in Stuttgart was "sharing life", at the 101st Deutsche katholikentag in Münster it was "seeking peace".
You can find all the information here.
Do you have any questions?
Phone: +49 361 558 981 00
E-mail: international(at)katholikentag.de